About Charles Williams

Charles Williams, MBA, EA, Managing Member and founder of Pioneer Realty Capital.
Call 682-518-9416 and See Why Multiple Options Matter.

UPDATE $130B Still Available for Forgivable Paycheck Protection Program Loans

A last-minute extension means small businesses have until Aug. 8 to apply for Paycheck Protection Program funds. While many financial institutions reduce hours and limit service options in the COVID-19 environment, Pioneer Realty Capital continues to lead the way by expanding its services to support small businesses nationwide. As of June 30th, 2020, there is [...]

By |2021-02-22T15:38:35-05:00March 30th, 2020|Commercial Real Estate News|

COVID-19 Emergency Financial Relief Programs and Advisory

Pioneer Realty Capital announces several programs to help business owners nationwide who have been effected by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In an all out effort to help small, medium, and large companies, PRC has been working around the clock to remain 100% operational, while ensuring the safety of our employees and their families. We want [...]

By |2021-02-22T15:53:57-05:00March 24th, 2020|Commercial Real Estate News|

Risk Management in an Extended Commercial Real Estate Cycle

The current commercial real estate, or CRE cycle started in 2009. The journey to recovery from the housing crisis has been a long one, and seems never-ending. Eleven years later, it’s hard to say when the downturn will come. What we do know for sure is that this expansion can’t last forever, making risk management [...]

By |2021-02-22T14:04:49-05:00February 17th, 2020|Commercial Real Estate News|

Commercial Real Estate Tax Benefits and How to Take Advantage of Them

There are many tax benefits for investors and owners in commercial real estate. Understanding all of them, however, can be a monumental task. In this post, we’ll cover the top 10 most commonly used tax benefits in the industry, and how to take advantage of them. Top 10 Tax Benefits for Commercial Real Estate: Tax [...]

Invest in Opportunity Zones and Pay No Capital Gains Tax

Earlier this year, we explored the impact of opportunity zones on commercial real estate investing. Today, we’ll look a little deeper into how opportunity zones allow investors to reduce and defer taxes on capital gains for up to ten years. But first, a little review: What are Opportunity Zones? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act [...]

What is Commercial Real Estate Crowdfunding?

When they hear the term ‘crowdfunding’, most people picture the charitable fundraising efforts of sites like GoFundMe. Or, perhaps the Kickstarter campaigns used to fund the launch of a new business venture come to mind. Commercial real estate crowdfunding, however, is a little different. While CRE crowdfunding relies on many investor contributions to fund [...]

How to Survive the CRE Automation Disruption

There’s no denying it: CRE automation disruption is here. Understandably, investors, firms, property managers, advisors, and brokers are all wondering what that means for the future of commercial real estate. A few things are already clear. E-commerce and shipping automation continue to affect the retail and postal industrial sectors. Rideshare and soon-to-come driverless cars increasingly [...]

By |2021-11-11T13:09:05-05:00November 13th, 2019|Commercial Real Estate News|

Coworking Spaces, CRE Threat or Opportunity

Coworking spaces have been on the rise for the past decade, especially as the sharing economy has come into prominence. In today’s world of ride-sharing and AirBnB, it’s no surprise that many workers feel comfortable sharing their workspace, as well. These changing trends have had—and will continue to have—an impact on CRE. Many investors, brokers, [...]

By |2021-02-22T17:20:20-05:00November 8th, 2019|Commercial Real Estate News|

Before Investing in Commercial Real Estate, Read This

Commercial real estate investment is attractive for a number of reasons. In addition to tax breaks, CRE investors earn comparatively high ROI compared to other options. Many also enjoy steady income from tenants paying rent. As a result, it’s no surprise that many people are interested in investing in CRE. Whether diversifying a portfolio or [...]

Advantages of Long-Term Debt vs. Short-Term Debt

When it comes to commercial real estate financing, there’s no denying that long-term debt is the standard. There is good reason for this. The high value of CRE property, and its typical increase in value over time, makes it excellent collateral. What’s more, CRE investors typically expect to see long-term returns on their property, making [...]

By |2021-11-11T13:13:12-05:00October 8th, 2019|Commercial Real Estate News|
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